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career assessment

Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.

                                                                                                                     -Katherine Whitethorn

Uncertain economic condition, change in technology, shift of consumer preference, not liking the current job profiles often led the professional to change job. Decision to shift your focus from one career to other is not easy. Many things may influence your decision such that current market trend, possibility of growth and interest plays an important role in decision making Follow your dream. The best is yet to come. A career counselling can guide people to choose the next best career path.


What you will get in Career Counselling
  • It is a six dimensional (Personality, Interest, Learning style, skill and ability, career motivator and Emotional quotients) career assessment for Graduate.
  • Find out the details career analysis from the selected stream with most suitable career path among 150+ career path.
  • Information on advanced certification
  • Two career counselling session with the seasoned counsellor

PRICE: ₹3999