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career assessment

There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

Career assessment for 8th-9th-10th standard help students to choose the most suitable subject and career path after 10th.This is the first step towards your career and success in life. Choosing the right stream is very puzzling so utmost care should be taken.


Risk involved in this period
  • Students are not mature enough to take decision
  • Major family influence
  • Choosing a stream which may waste valuable 2 years
  • Not enjoying the subjects and feel stressful


   What you will get in Career Counselling
  • It’s a five dimensional career analysis which involves Personality, Interest, Learning style, skill and ability and Career value motivator.
  • A 24 pages comprehensive report will be generated with detailed education and career roadmap.
  • Guidance on subject selection and college selection
  • Two counselling session with the counsellor
  • Career counselling support

PRICE: ₹2999